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Item Psychiatric patients tracking through a private social network for relatives: development and pilot study(Springer, 2016-07) García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Franco Martín, M.; García-Holgado, A.; Toribio Guzmán, J. M.; Largo Antón, J.; Sánchez-Gómez, M. C.The treatment of psychiatric patients requires different health care from that of patients from other medical specialties. In particular, in the case of Department of Psychiatry from the Zamora Hospital (Spain), the period of time which patients require institutionalized care is a tiny part of their treatment. A large part of health care provided to the patient is aimed at his/her rehabilitation and social integration through day-care centres, supervised flats or activities. Conversely, several reports reveal that approximately 50% of Internet users use the network as a source of health information, which has led to the emergence of virtual communities where patients, relatives or health professionals share their knowledge concerning an illness, health problem or specific health condition. In this context, we have identified that the relatives have a lack of information regarding the daily activities of patients under psychiatric treatment. The social networks or the virtual communities regarding health problems do not provide a private space where relatives can follow the patient's progress, despite being in different places. The goal of the study was to use technologies to develop a private social network for being used by severe mental patients (mainly schizophrenic patients). SocialNet is a pioneer social network in the health sector because it provides a social interaction context restricted to persons authorized by the patient or his/her legal guardian in such a way that they can track his/her daily activity. Each patient has a private area only accessible to authorized persons and their caregivers, where they can share pictures, videos or texts regarding his/her progress. A preliminary study of usability of the system has been made for increasing the usefulness and usability of SocialNet. SocialNet is the first system for promoting personal interactions among formal caregivers, family, close friends and patient, promoting the recovery of schizophrenic patients. Future studies should study the network’s potential usefulness for improving the prognosis and recovery of schizophrenia.Item Cultural values and technology adoption: A model comparison with university teachers from China and Spain(Elsevier, 2019-01-24) Huang, F.; Teo, T.; Sánchez-Prieto, J. C.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Olmos-Migueláñez, S.In this study, we investigated how certain cultural values influenced Chinese and Spanish university teachers' intentions to use technology. 426 Chinese university teachers and 404 Spanish university teachers participated in the study. The participants completed self-designed questionnaires based on Hofstede's cultural dimensions (individualism-collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and indulgence-constraint) as well as subjective norms and behavioural intention. We found consistent and significant relationships between subjective norms and behavioural intention in both the Spanish and Chinese samples. In addition, we found that the teachers' perceived cultural preferences influenced their subjective norms and intentions to use technology in both the Chinese and Spanish samples. However, the relationships between these variables were different in the Spanish and Chinese samples. In addition, we compared three models which were all theoretically reasonable to determine the model that best fitted the data. This study contributes to our understanding of how culture influences teachers' intentions to use technology in the contexts of Spain and China.Item Enabling adaptability in web forms based on user characteristics detection through A/B testing and machine learning(IEEE, 2018-02-14) Cruz-Benito, J.; Vázquez-Ingelmo, A.; Sánchez-Prieto, J. C.; Therón, R.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Martín-González, M.This paper presents an original study with the aim of improving users' performance in completing large questionnaires through adaptability in web forms. Such adaptability is based on the application of machine-learning procedures and an A/B testing approach. To detect the user preferences, behavior, and the optimal version of the forms for all kinds of users, researchers built predictive models using machine-learning algorithms (trained with data from more than 3000 users who participated previously in the questionnaires), extracting the most relevant factors that describe the models, and clustering the users based on their similar characteristics and these factors. Based on these groups and their performance in the system, the researchers generated heuristic rules between the different versions of the web forms to guide users to the most adequate version (modifying the user interface and user experience) for them. To validate the approach and con rm the improvements, the authors tested these redirection rules on a group of more than 1000 users. The results with this cohort of users were better than those achieved without redirection rules at the initial stage. Besides these promising results, the paper proposes a future study that would enhance the process (or automate it) as well as push its application to other eldsItem Towards a social and context-aware mobile recommendation system for tourism(Elsevier, 2017-06-11) Colomo-Palacios, R.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Stantchev, V.; Misra, S.Loyalty in tourism is one of the main concerns for tourist organizations and researchers alike. Recently, technology in general and CRM and social networks in particular have been identified as important enablers for loyalty in tourism. This paper presents POST-VIA 360, a platform devoted to support the whole life-cycle of tourism loyalty after the first visit. The system is designed to collect data from the initial visit by means of pervasive approaches. Once data is analysed, POST-VIA 360 produces accurate after visit data and, once returned, is able to offer relevant recommendations based on positioning and bio-inspired recommender systems. To validate the system, a case study comparing recommendations from the POST-VIA 360 and a group of experts was conducted. Results show that the accuracy of system’s recommendations is remarkable compared to previous efforts in the field.Item Personal Data Broker Instead of Blockchain for Students’ Data Privacy Assurance(Springer, 2019-04-01) Amo, D.; Fonseca, D.; Alier, M.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Casañ, M. J.Data logs about learning activities are being recorded at a growing pace due to the adoption and evolution of educational technologies (Edtech). Data analytics has entered the field of education under the name of learning analytics. Data analytics can provide insights that can be used to enhance learning activities for educational stakeholders, as well as helping online learning applications providers to enhance their services. However, despite the goodwill in the use of Edtech, some service providers use it as a means to collect private data about the students for their own interests and benefits. This is showcased in recent cases seen in media of bad use of students’ personal information. This growth in cases is due to the recent tightening in data privacy regulations, especially in the EU. The students or their parents should be the owners of the information about them and their learning activities online. Thus they should have the right tools to control how their information is accessed and for what purposes. Currently, there is no technological solution to prevent leaks or the misuse of data about the students or their activity. It seems appropriate to try to solve it from an automation technology perspective. In this paper, we consider the use of Blockchain technologies as a possible basis for a solution to this problem. Our analysis indicates that the Blockchain is not a suitable solu-tion. Finally, we propose a cloud-based solution with a central personal point of management that we have called Personal Data Broker.Item Addressing Fine-Grained Variability in User-Centered Software Product Lines: A Case Study on Dashboards(Springer, 2019-04-01) Vázquez-Ingelmo, A.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Therón, R.Software product lines provide a theoretical framework to generate and customize products by studying the target domain and by capturing the commonalities among the potential products of the family. This domain knowledge is subsequently used to implement a series of configurable core assets that will be systematically reused to obtain products with different features to match particular user requirements. Some kind of interactive systems, like dashboards, require special attention as their features are very fine-grained. Having the capacity of configuring a dashboard product to match particular user requirements can improve the utility of these products by providing the support to users to reach useful insights, in addition to a decrease in the development time and an increase in maintainability. Several techniques for implementing features and variability points in the context of SPLs are available, and it is important to choose the right one to exploit the SPL paradigm benefits to the maximum. This work addresses the materialization of fine-grained variability in SPL through code templates and macros, framed in the particular domain of dashboardsItem Blended Learning en Perú: Estado de conocimiento y perspectivas de investigación(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - Campus Monterrey, 2019-12-16) Turpo-Gebera, O.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.Blended Learning se ha constituido en una modalidad “normalizada”, adoptada e implementada en el ámbito universitario. En ese sentido, reconocer su desarrollo en contextos específicos resulta significativo, en cuanto provee de información singular sobre sus dinámicas evolutivas. A fin de representar el desarrollo de las investigaciones en ese campo, y siguiendo el mapping sistemático como medio de aproximación a su conocimiento y perspectivas, se recuperó del repositorio digital nacional 56 productos científicos para su análisis. Los resultados evidencian una emergente producción científica sobre Blended Learning en Perú, “retratando” las áreas y ámbitos de formación priorizados en su estudio, al revelar al concentración de investigaciones en universidades públicas, situadas preferentemente en Lima, la capital del país, más a través de tesis que de artículos, siguiendo diseños cuantitativos y orientaciones tecnopedagógicas que enfatizan en modelos que combinan escenarios presenciales con virtuales, obviando otras posibilidades. De ese modo, sus dinámicas de desarrollo los aproximan a los contextos latinoamericanos y, distancia de los países ibéricos, dada su transición hacia otros modelos evolutivos del Blended Learning.Item An App to Support Yoga Teachers to Implement a Yoga-Based Approach to Promote Wellbeing Among Young People: Usability Study(Springer Nature, 2019-07-26) García-Holgado, A.; Tajes Reiris, I.; Kearney, N. A.; Martinus, C.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.Many young people suffer from chronic stress and other issues that inhibit the functioning and development of the prefrontal cortex, and this also affects their intrinsic motivation to engage in any activity. In short, unless their well-being is addressed, they cannot engage effectively. The HIPPOCAMPUS project aims to address these issues by promoting the well-being of young people through the practice of a range of techniques derived from yoga. Yuva Yoga app is part of the approach to support the yoga-based practices with young people. It is a multiplatform mobile app developed as Backend as a Service both for Android and iOS. The first public version of the mobile app is part of the pilots implemented in the schools involved in the project, but there is not a special focus on the usability of the app. This work presents the heuristic evaluation of Yuva Yoga for iOS carried out by four experts as part of a major usability study that combines heuristic techniques, both iOS and Android, and empirical methods with users. Some problems were detected during the evalu-ation, but more of the problems have a low priority rating. They are mainly cosmetic problems that do not need to be fixed unless extra time is available on the project, or minor usability problems. The results have provided an important input to develop a new minor version of the mobile app, in order to improve the user experience in the pilots at schools.Item Delphi study to identify the young people priorities about digital society(ACM, 2018-10-24) Rodríguez-Conde, M. J.; García-Holgado, A.; Zangrando, V.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.This paper aims to present an advance of the results of the application of the Delphi technique, with the aim of gathering the opinion of experts or stakeholders on the topics of priority interest of young people in Europe, especially on the digital society. It is a work framed within the Horizon 2020 WYRED Project (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital Society). !e WYRED project, and in this specific case the Networking process, aims in bringing together children, young people, other stakeholders and policymakers around Europe. !e Delphi technique is one of the prospective methods that study the future, concerning the evolution of the factors of the techno-socio-economic environment and the interactions between these factors. !e characteristics that define this technique are anonymity, iteration and controlled feedback, and presentation of group data in the statistical form. !e progress of the presented results allows us to corroborate the agreement of experts about the topics that have been raised. According to experts, the concern of youth towards issues related to the digital society does not appear among the first concerns of young people neither in Spain nor the rest of the countries surveyed.Item Introduciendo la perspectiva de género en la enseñanza universitaria: co-creación de guías docentes y proyectos de innovación(United Academic Journals, 2019-09-11) González-González, C. S.; García-Holgado, A.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.La co-educación permite abordar de forma sistemática procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que tengan en cuenta el género, la igualdad y la diversidad en los centros educativos. Sin embargo, en la enseñanza universitaria son escasas las propuestas de co-ducación y su consideración en las guías docentes, así como los proyectos de innovación sobre educación para la igualdad. Por ello, en este trabajo se presenta el proceso de diseño de co-creación de guías docentes, así como la ideación de proyectos de innovación educativa con perspectiva de género para la Universidad de Salamanca.