Enabling adaptability in web forms based on user characteristics detection through A/B testing and machine learning
Cruz-Benito, J.
Vázquez-Ingelmo, A.
Sánchez-Prieto, J. C.
Therón, R.
García-Peñalvo, F. J.
Martín-González, M.
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This paper presents an original study with the aim of improving users' performance in
completing large questionnaires through adaptability in web forms. Such adaptability is based on the
application of machine-learning procedures and an A/B testing approach. To detect the user preferences,
behavior, and the optimal version of the forms for all kinds of users, researchers built predictive models using
machine-learning algorithms (trained with data from more than 3000 users who participated previously in
the questionnaires), extracting the most relevant factors that describe the models, and clustering the users
based on their similar characteristics and these factors. Based on these groups and their performance in the
system, the researchers generated heuristic rules between the different versions of the web forms to guide
users to the most adequate version (modifying the user interface and user experience) for them. To validate
the approach and con rm the improvements, the authors tested these redirection rules on a group of more
than 1000 users. The results with this cohort of users were better than those achieved without redirection rules
at the initial stage. Besides these promising results, the paper proposes a future study that would enhance the
process (or automate it) as well as push its application to other elds
Adaptability, machine learning, user profiles, web forms, clusters, hierarchical clustering, random forest, A/B testing, human-computer interaction, HCI
Cruz-Benito, J., Vázquez-Ingelmo, A., Sánchez-Prieto, J. C., Therón, R., García-Peñalvo, F. J., & Martín-González, M. (2018). Enabling adaptability in web forms based on user characteristics detection through A/B testing and machine learning. IEEE Access, 6, 2251-2265. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2782678