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    Sistema de generación de diagramas de clases en UML basado en Inteligencia Artificial
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2024-07-31) Castillo Salguero, Cristian Alejandro
    Trabajo Fin de Grado. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Universidad de Salamanca En el ámbito de la Ingeniería de Software, el aprendizaje del lenguaje Unified Model Language (UML) constituye un elemento fundamental para el desarrollo de sistemas de software. Uno de los desafíos a los que enfrentan los estudiantes, es la dificultad para generar y resolver nuevos problemas a partir de modelos de dominio UML. Ante este escenario, se ha desarrollado una aplicación web que integra tanto modelos de generación de texto como de imágenes, permitiendo a los usuarios obtener enunciados de problemas y su solución, así como adjuntar imágenes de diagramas de clases para poder obtener una explicación de mismo y poder asimilar correctamente los conceptos. Como enfoque a la hora de llevar a cabo el proyecto se ha utilizado una metodología ágil, con el objetivo de maximizar la eficiencia y adaptabilidad. Para la realización del entrono web se ha usado el framework web Django y para la generación de texto e imágenes han utilizado los modelos ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo y ChatGPT-4 usando las interfaces de servicios que provee OpenAI para dichos modelos de lenguaje. Se han cumplido todos los objetivos propuestos, además de otros aspectos que han surgido durante el desarrollo y que han permitido identificar nuevas funcionalidades. Como resultado se tiene una aplicación operativa que puede ofrecerse al estudiantado y profesorado para ayudar en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje.
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    Guía metodológica para el uso exitoso de las tecnologías digitales en la educación: mejora del aprendizaje a través de proyectos educativos europeos
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2023-09-15) Alonso de Castro, M. G.
    La sociedad está en constante evolución y la irrupción de las tecnologías en la vida personal y laboral es imparable, esto exige dedicar esfuerzos para capacitar a las personas de modo que tengan las competencias necesarias para poder vivir de forma saludable y autónoma, además de conseguir puestos de trabajo que les hagan sentirse útiles y disponer de los medios y recursos para cubrir como mínimo sus necesidades básicas. Para lograr ese objetivo la promoción del aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida es imprescindible puesto que los cambios sociales y tecnológicos requieren de formación continua y adaptación a nuevos empleos y contextos. Además, desarrollar entornos de aprendizaje dinámicos y que se puedan adaptar a la diversidad de las personas que requieren formarse es clave. En ese sentido los entornos de aprendizaje electrónico proporcionan flexibilidad y facilidad para adaptarlos a las necesidades de las personas que los utilizan. Contribuir al desarrollo de sistemas y proyectos educativos robustos utilizando las tecnologías es una realidad actual y de futuro en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Las nuevas metodologías y leyes educativas buscan un enfoque más competencial con vistas a que el alumnado o las personas en formación puedan aprender de forma práctica cómo resolver problemas cotidianos con los que pueden encontrarse en su vida personal y laboral. En todo este sistema hay una pieza clave, no sirve de nada realizar entornos muy atractivos si no se dispone de personas expertas en las temáticas en las que se va a llevar a cabo la formación. Estas personas expertas deben ser sin duda el profesorado o personal formador. Este personal necesita estar preparado para poder crear contenidos y proyectos utilizando las tecnologías de modo que consigan llegar a su alumnado y personas en formación de una forma útil, con impacto en los aprendizajes y con posibilidad de adaptarlos a la diversidad del entorno. Para poder tener profesorado o personal formador preparado es de suma importancia invertir esfuerzos en proveerles de recursos y formación continua. Uno de los mecanismos que resultan de gran utilidad para esa formación del profesorado es proporcionarles recomendaciones, pautas, guías y ejemplos de buenas prácticas que puedan servirles de inspiración. En el campo de las experiencias inspiradoras es de gran interés explorar los proyectos educativos europeos, en concreto los realizados en el marco de Erasmus+. Este tipo de proyectos permiten llevar a cabo iniciativas que responden a necesidades de varias instituciones educativas y relacionadas que desean colaborar para conseguir encontrar soluciones de forma conjunta. Suponen un enriquecimiento, dado que buscan trabajar hacia fines comunes en instituciones de diferentes países facilitando la difusión y transferencia del conocimiento no solo en las que participan en el proyecto sino en otras con las que tienen relación. Con ese objetivo surge la necesidad que se plantea la tesis doctoral que se presenta en este documento. En ella se analizan proyectos de Erasmus+ catalogados como buena práctica para hallar lo que hace que esos proyectos hayan sido considerado exitosos y cómo han logrado mejoras en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La meta final es lograr identificar factores relevantes para el desarrollo de proyectos educativos con un uso eficiente de la tecnología, de modo que se pueda realizar una propuesta metodológica para orientar al profesorado en el diseño de proyectos con impacto. Los principales aspectos identificados como fundamentales para el éxito de cualquier proyecto pasan por la cooperación y colaboración entre instituciones y actores relacionados, atender a necesidades reales, tratar temáticas innovadoras, actuales y de una proyección a largo plazo, la implantación del proyecto en las instituciones y un buen aprovechamiento de las herramientas digitales para garantizar tanto la difusión, como la atención a la diversidad e impacto. El desarrollo del documento se divide en la introducción; dos bloques principales: uno de argumentación teórica enfocado a analizar la situación de partida, hipótesis, análisis del estado del arte y planificación de la investigación y otro de argumentación empírica con la metodología aplicada, los resultados, discusión e interpretación y propuesta metodológica; conclusiones y anexos. Como resultado final se propone una metodología para el diseño de los proyectos educativos.
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    (Grupo GRIAL, 2023-06-20) García Bohórquez, I.
    El cambio climático plantea una amenaza global significativa, con amplias implicaciones en la sociedad y la biodiversidad debido a las alteraciones climáticas causadas por la actividad humana. Ante esta problemática, se han realizado esfuerzos internacionales para abordar el cambio climático y sus consecuencias. En este contexto, la educación es un elemento fundamental porque proporciona el conocimiento necesario para comprender su complejidad. Sin embargo, además de entender el fenómeno, es importante conservar y mejorar nuestro entorno. Una iniciativa que se propone es la renaturalización los patios escolares que pretende renovar las condiciones ambientales en las que los estudiantes se desarrollan para mejorar su rendimiento académico. De esta manera, se fomenta una conexión directa entre el entorno natural y el aprendizaje, promoviendo la conciencia ambiental y fortaleciendo la relación estudiante-naturaleza. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar los efectos de la renaturalización de los patios escolares como estrategia para mitigar los impactos del cambio climático y promover la reflexión de los alumnos sobre los beneficios de este enfoque en el aprendizaje. Para lograrlo, se ha llevado a cabo una experiencia piloto utilizando realidad virtual en Minecraft que proporciona información detallada sobre el entorno real. Además, se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo que ha involucrado a expertos en tecnología, educación y cambio climático, con el fin de analizar las percepciones y mejoras de esta herramienta antes de su implementación. Para ello, se han empleado entrevistas semiestructuradas para alcanzar una reflexión más profunda de las perspectivas de los participantes.
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    Fomento de la igualdad de Género en la Educación Primaria a través del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos y la Tecnología: Diseño e Implantación de un Plan de Acción
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2023-06-20) Muñoz Marcos, R.
    La igualdad se define como el derecho de todas las personas, sin importar su género, a tener las mismas oportunidades y derechos en todos los aspectos de la vida, incluida la educación. Con ella se quiere llegar a eliminar los estereotipos o ideas concebidas sobre las características que tienen las niñas y los niños. Es fundamental promover la igualdad de género desde edades tempranas para construir unas sociedad justa y equitativa. Por este motivo, este trabajo se enfoca a estudiar y analizar en profundidad este concepto, para cooperar, en lo posible, al debate sobre la importancia que tiene la igualdad dentro de las aulas de nuestro sistema educativo en España. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica íntegro, mi objetivo es presentar información útil sobre el estado actual de este concepto y proponer medidas que sirvan para su progreso y evolución. Este trabajo se centrará en diseñar e implementar un plan de acción que utilice el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) y las Tecnologías. Mediante proyectos temáticos y el uso de recursos tecnológicos, se busca empoderar a los alumnos y alumnas, desafiar los roles de género preexistente y promover igualdad desde edades tempranas.
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    Evaluation of Pre-service and In-service Teachers´ Digital Competence in Anhui Province, China
    (Programa de Doctorado Formación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento, 2023-05-22) Yang, L.
    With the integration of technologies in education, every country has proposed technology development plans in the educational field and increased investment. China has fully realized that ICT has played a significant role in promoting future educational development and has determined the status of technology development for education from a national strategy. Therefore, it has created great changes in the teachers´ teaching and learning environments. This changing process in education is creating and will continue to create new challenges for teachers' working methods in pedagogical, didactic, and administrative contexts and their specialized knowledge and basic skills. The teacher is the key element in the whole educational process, particularly in educational action for transformation and improvement of education in fostering students' digital skills, specialized knowledge, and basic skills. Under these circumstances, the digital competence of teachers has received world attention that requires developing learning skills and receiving knowledge from various sources available in modern society, producing new demands for understanding and using digital learning opportunities in the educational field. Serval concepts have been used to describe the teachers´ use of ICT, such as teachers´ information literacy, teachers´ digital literacy, teachers´ ICT skills, teachers´ information technology skills, teachers´ ICT competency, and teachers´ digital competence. There is a close connection between these commonly used concepts. However, based on the definition of digital competence, we concluded that digital competence is a boundary concept underpinned by digital literacy, media literacy, information, and data literacy. Hence, the concept of digital competence is used for describing the use of ICT in the present study because it offers a more comprehensive view of the use of technology. Many nations and organizations have set considerable demands concerning teachers´ digital competence, and the theoretical framework related to teachers´ digital competence has been launched. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the six main national and international frameworks published. There are various Europe-supported frameworks, one China-supported framework, one United States-supported framework, two UNESCO-supported frameworks, as well as A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals. There is an overview of efforts and challenges on teachers' digital competence in China, which provides the starting points for a subject of reflection and analysis of the Chinese teachers' digital competence status. The overview mainly focuses on the main terms used to talk about teachers' use of technology for teaching and learning, the main purposes of the previous studies related to the digital competence of teachers, the main characteristics of the research methods, and the main proposals made to improve the digital competence. This study proposed a diagnostic evaluation from a quantitative paradigm, which used a non-experimental-cross-sectional design. Thus, an ex-post-facto methodology based on survey studies was implemented to assess and analyze Chinese pre-service and in-service teachers' perception of digital competence in Anhui province. Moreover, this quantitative study explores the relationship between sociodemographic factors (age, educational degree level, ICT courses, years of teaching experience) and their digital competence level. The results of this study firstly demonstrated that both pre-service and in-service teachers in Anhui province have an excellent perception of digital competence in the three measured areas. Secondly, factors such as age, years of teaching, and educational background influence pre-and in-service teachers’ digital competence. Finally, our primary recommendation for improving Chinese teachers´ digital competence is teachers’ training. After the theoretical support for pre-service and in-service K-12 teacher training was investigated, the training program was designed. Five clear strategies on excellence or best practice for teacher training integrated approach to improving Chinese teacher training: 1). teacher educators as role models; 2). scaffolding of authentic technology experiences; 3). learning instructional design with technology; 4). the reflection on the role of technology in education; and 5). the training modality. The 3rd edition of the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers was selected as the framework used. The training program is divided into five training modules depending on the different levels of digital competence of the population. The formative assessment with 12 practices was designed for the training program, as well as the summative assessment.
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    Aplicación para la recepción, almacenamiento y gestión de imágenes DICOM en el sector sanitario
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2023-01-24) Fraile Sanchón, R.
    DICOM significa “Imágenes Digitales y Comunicaciones en Medicina” y fue desarrollado conjuntamente por la Asociación Nacional de Fabricante (NEMA) y el Colegio Americano de Radiología (ACR) para permitir la interoperabilidad entre equipos de imágenes con otros dispositivos. Este estándar es responsable de gobernar tanto el formato de imagen como los diversos protocolos de red necesarios para la transmisión de información de imágenes generadas durante las muchas “modalidades” de imágenes relacionadas con la atención médica, tales como resonancia magnética, medicina nuclear, tomografía computarizada y ultrasonidos. Por lo tanto, el estándar DICOM existe de una forma u otra desde 1983 y continúa evolucionando cada año. En el marco del manejo y gestión de imágenes DICOM, este proyecto consiste en la ampliación de una aplicación ya existente como es KoopaML, aplicación web enmarcada en el contexto del Departamento de Cardiología del Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, cuyo objetivo es permitir que sus usuarios puedan entrenar sus propios modelos, analizar sus datos y realizar tareas sobre ellos sin la necesidad de tener conocimientos de programación. A esta herramienta se le suma la existencia de Cartier IA, plataforma de almacenamiento y visualización de datos e imágenes médicas usada también en el Departamento de Cardiología. Esta ampliación se basa en la recepción, almacenamiento y gestión de imágenes DICOM en KoopaML. La recepción y almacenamiento se realiza a través de la transmisión de estos archivos a través de otros PACS (Sistema de Archivo y Comunicación de Imágenes) como puede ser Cartier IA, de esta manera se evita que los usuarios de ambos sistemas tengan que realizar unas acciones en un sistema y otras en el otro y así ahorrar tiempo. En cuanto a la gestión de estas imágenes, se les pueden aplicar algoritmos de Inteligencia Artificial a éstas y, modificarlas utilizando diferentes herramientas de edición para medir, anotar, recortar, acercar, desplazar y segmentar entre otras.
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    Generación automática de interfaces software para el soporte a la toma de decisiones. Aplicación de ingeniería de dominio y machine learning
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2022-07-26) Vázquez-Ingelmo, A.
    Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el reto de mejorar el proceso de desarrollo de dashboards y visualizaciones de datos, así como su calidad y prestaciones en términos de personalización, usabilidad y flexibilidad, entre otros.
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    Automatic generation of software interfaces for supporting decision-making processes. An application of domain engineering & machine learning
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2022-07-26) Vázquez-Ingelmo, A.
    Data analysis is a key process to foster knowledge generation in particular domains or fields of study. With a strong informative foundation derived from the analysis of collected data, decision-makers can make strategic choices with the aim of obtaining valuable benefits in their specific areas of action. However, given the steady growth of data volumes, data analysis needs to rely on powerful tools to enable knowledge extraction. Information dashboards offer a software solution to analyze large volumes of data visually to identify patterns and relations and make decisions according to the presented information. But decision-makers may have different goals and, consequently, different necessities regarding their dashboards. Moreover, the variety of data sources, structures, and domains can hamper the design and implementation of these tools. This Ph.D. Thesis tackles the challenge of improving the development process of information dashboards and data visualizations while enhancing their quality and features in terms of personalization, usability, and flexibility, among others. Several research activities have been carried out to support this thesis. First, a systematic literature mapping and review was performed to analyze different methodologies and solutions related to the automatic generation of tailored information dashboards. The outcomes of the review led to the selection of a model-driven approach in combination with the software product line paradigm to deal with the automatic generation of information dashboards. In this context, a meta-model was developed following a domain engineering approach. This meta-model represents the skeleton of information dashboards and data visualizations through the abstraction of their components and features and has been the backbone of the subsequent generative pipeline of these tools. The meta-model and generative pipeline have been tested through their integration in different scenarios, both theoretical and practical. Regarding the theoretical dimension of the research, the meta-model has been successfully integrated with other meta-model to support knowledge generation in learning ecosystems, and as a framework to conceptualize and instantiate information dashboards in different domains. In terms of the practical applications, the focus has been put on how to transform the meta-model into an instance adapted to a specific context, and how to finally transform this later model into code, i.e., the final, functional product. These practical scenarios involved the automatic generation of dashboards in the context of a Ph.D. Programme, the application of Artificial Intelligence algorithms in the process, and the development of a graphical instantiation platform that combines the meta-model and the generative pipeline into a visual generation system. Finally, different case studies have been conducted in the employment and employability, health, and education domains. The number of applications of the meta-model in theoretical and practical dimensions and domains is also a result itself. Every outcome associated to this thesis is driven by the dashboard meta-model, which also proves its versatility and flexibility when it comes to conceptualize, generate, and capture knowledge related to dashboards and data visualizations.
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    The gender gap in university studies in the STEM sector in the Spanish education system
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2022-06-24) Verdugo-Castro, S.
    There are advances, progress, and achievements in the struggle to achieve equality of rights and opportunities between men and women in the different life scenarios in which a person develops. However, real and effective equality has not been fully achieved. Nowadays, it is still necessary to implement positive discrimination measures, such as quotas, to make equal representation possible in some environments, such as the workplace. One of the professional sectors where the unemployment rate is lowest and a wide range of outlets are concentrated in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The STEM areas harbour multiple opportunities. However, historically and culturally, social constructs have traditionally feminised and masculinised the studies and thus the professions. The STEM education sector has high disparity figures between men and women. In addition, the STEM workplace is sometimes hostile and forged into barriers for other underrepresented groups, such as LGBT people or people from ethnic backgrounds. Because of this, it is necessary to study and address the reality of the systemic and structural problem of the gender gap in STEM. In this context, this doctoral thesis aims to study the gender gap in STEM in the Spanish higher education sector. The general objective of the thesis is to find out the opinion of the Spanish university population on all branches of knowledge about STEM studies concerning gender to detect stereotypes. On the other hand, the main hypothesis of the research is that the opinion that the Spanish university population has about tertiary studies in STEM areas about gender, that is, the ability to perform STEM tasks by men and women, is conditioned by personal factors, such as gender, academic factors, and family and contextual factors. The thesis is divided into two blocks to carry out the research and to answer the objective, the research questions, and the hypotheses that have been set out. The first block has the theoretical argumentation, and the second block gathers the empirical development from two non-experimental studies. A Systematic Literature Review and a systematic mapping of the gender gap in the STEM sector in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) were conducted at the theoretical level. A Codebook on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors modulating the gender gap in the STEM education sector was designed based on the 26 publications selected after applying the PRISMA protocol. All this has allowed us to contextualise the empirical research based on two empirical studies. For this purpose, after reviewing instruments, a mixed questionnaire was designed for this doctoral thesis: Questionnaire with university students on STEM studies in Higher Education (QSTEMHE). This questionnaire aimed to determine what opinion university students have about STEM studies according to gender, i.e., the ability to perform STEM tasks according to gender. Two studies, both based on non-experimental ex-post-facto designs, were carried out for its application. The first study was a pilot carried out in 2020 with 115 university students from Spanish institutions. The first stage of empirical validation of the questionnaire was completed from this pilot, and preliminary results were obtained. After the pilot study and the first validation stage, which was carried out through correlation analysis, Reliability Analysis, and Exploratory Factor Analysis, a second study was carried out in 2021 with a larger sample. Simple random probability sampling was used to obtain a representative Spanish university student population sample. In the end, the sample consisted of 2101 people. After data collection, the second stage of empirical validation was completed, in which, along with the analysis techniques already indicated, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Composite Reliability Analysis were also applied. Quantitative analyses of the data were applied after obtaining the final empirical dimensionality of the instrument and these were complemented with the interpretation of the answers obtained to the open-ended questions of the questionnaire. Finally, the results reveal that gender stereotypes about STEM degrees persist, considering them masculinised and male-dominated. In addition, the motivations for choosing studies (internal factors), the models and references at the time of deciding which degree to take (positive external influences), and the fact that someone judged or questioned the decision taken (negative external influences) are also modulating elements towards thinking free of bias and stereotypes. In terms of gender, the results show that men are more prone to gender stereotyping. However, in both the men's and women's groups, roles are still perpetuated about what is understood as a woman, a man, a person studying STEM, a non-STEM degree, and what "men's" and "women's" professions are. To conclude, it is essential to keep in mind that the gender gap in the STEM education sector is one more manifestation of the social and cultural segregation we live in. Human beings are socialised in a system marked by social constructs, including gender stereotypes. Therefore, it is essential to understand that the gender gap is not the responsibility of girls and women but is the consequence of a systemic problem. Patriarchal culture, gender socialisation, and roles can lead to discriminatory disparities. Thus, there is an urgent need to continue intervening in this phenomenon. This must be done with an open perspective that integrates all the agents involved: the education system, labour sector, public institutions, and citizens. By involving them, it will be possible to move away from segregationist gender ideologies and reduce the social representations that establish hierarchies of value between genders. Finally, also highlight the explanatory model of the gender gap in tertiary STEM studies based on a core of five dimensions and intrinsic and extrinsic modulating factors. The model was generated by the questionnaire designed and validated in the context of this doctoral thesis, Questionnaire with university students on STEM studies in Higher Education (QSTEMHE).
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    University Teachers and Students’ Digital Competence: A Case Study of Gansu Agricultural University in China
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2022-06-23) Zhao, Y.
    Living today in the knowledge society allows us to be aware of the changes in the structure of society, the connections between countries and the acquisition of knowledge, as well as the ever-growing technological development and penetration into every aspect of our life. The outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has further propelled the revolution in education. The educational model has changed and with it comes a variety of challenges. Teachers and students are required to be equipped with adequate digital competence and the ability to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet proficiently, especially in higher education. Consequently, the gap of digital competence is widened, not only between developed and developing countries, but also within the same country due to the imbalance of economic growth, such as the huge gap between the east and west of China. It is of great necessity to enhance the digital competence to better meet the challenges, to narrow the digital gap and to adapt to this knowledge society as well as to the new learning environment. The main purposes of this thesis are: firstly, to present the definition of digital competence in the higher education, to indicate the dimensions commonly used to assess university teachers and students’ digital competence, to determine the state of research in this field, and to identify the areas for further research through a systematic literature review and a mapping study. Secondly, to carry out an empirical study on university teachers and students at Gansu Agricultural University in the west of China. For in-service university teachers, the focus was on the exploration of their digital competence, the use of ICTs and their attitudes towards the use of ICTs in education. For university students, especially for those freshmen and senior students, the emphasis was placed on students’ digital competence and their attitudes towards ICTs; and their availability of technological resources, their potential for digital competence, and previous training related to ICTs and digital competence were covered as well. Moreover, the factors influencing digital competence were examined to determine its development needs.