University Teachers and Students’ Digital Competence: A Case Study of Gansu Agricultural University in China
Zhao, Y.
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Living today in the knowledge society allows us to be aware of the changes in the
structure of society, the connections between countries and the acquisition of
knowledge, as well as the ever-growing technological development and penetration into
every aspect of our life. The outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has further
propelled the revolution in education. The educational model has changed and with it
comes a variety of challenges. Teachers and students are required to be equipped with
adequate digital competence and the ability to use information and communication
technologies (ICTs) and the Internet proficiently, especially in higher education.
Consequently, the gap of digital competence is widened, not only between developed
and developing countries, but also within the same country due to the imbalance of
economic growth, such as the huge gap between the east and west of China. It is of
great necessity to enhance the digital competence to better meet the challenges, to
narrow the digital gap and to adapt to this knowledge society as well as to the new
learning environment.
The main purposes of this thesis are: firstly, to present the definition of digital
competence in the higher education, to indicate the dimensions commonly used to
assess university teachers and students’ digital competence, to determine the state of
research in this field, and to identify the areas for further research through a systematic
literature review and a mapping study. Secondly, to carry out an empirical study on
university teachers and students at Gansu Agricultural University in the west of China.
For in-service university teachers, the focus was on the exploration of their digital
competence, the use of ICTs and their attitudes towards the use of ICTs in education.
For university students, especially for those freshmen and senior students, the emphasis
was placed on students’ digital competence and their attitudes towards ICTs; and their
availability of technological resources, their potential for digital competence, and
previous training related to ICTs and digital competence were covered as well.
Moreover, the factors influencing digital competence were examined to determine its
development needs.
Digital competence, ICTs, higher education, University, university teachers, university students, China