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Item El empleo de recursos tecnológicos por parte del profesorado de la Universidad de Salamanca: uso personal y en docencia(RUTE Ediciones, 2016-12-31) Hernández Ramos, J. P.; Torrijos Fincias, P.; Bielba Calvo, M.Desde hace algunos años, debido principalmente al proceso de convergencia europea, la mayoría de las universidades europeas están involucradas en un proceso de modernización de la enseñanza universitaria que conlleva importantes cambios. La complejidad de dicho cambio organizativo estructural y curricular se ve agravada al encontrar que las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) están invadiendo todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, sin ser el mundo de la educación una excepción. En la actualidad, casi la totalidad de las universidades españolas disponen de plataformas de docencia virtual y clases equipadas con medios audiovisuales y pizarras digitales. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de las ocasiones nos seguimos encontrando en las aulas, tanto físicas como virtuales, con infinidad de posibilidades tecnológicas que, por diferentes motivos, no ayudan al profesorado a mejorar la calidad de su docencia. Contando con una muestra representativa por rama y categoría de 161 profesores de la Universidad de Salamanca (USAL), en esta comunicación se muestra al lector cuáles son los recursos tecnológicos que dichos docentes emplean, diferenciando sus actividades personales de sus actividades docentes. Posteriormente, las conclusiones de la investigación han sido elaboradas en base a las diferencias y a las similitudes encontradas.Item Evaluation of M-Learning among students according to their behaviour with apps(Nova Science Publishers, 2017-05-01) Briz Ponce, Laura; Pereira, A.; Juanes-Méndez, J. A.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.The present paper has the goal to provide some insights regarding the current use of mobile technologies for learning. This research was conducted at University of Salamanca and University of Aveiro and took into account the collaboration of 518 students from both universities. The main results indicate that the students are very willing to use m-learning and there is a relationship between the use of mobile devices (frequency of use of Tablet) and the use of Apps with the global evaluation of m-learning by students. However, most part of students still reported an unawareness and a lack of necessity of these instruments, which brings into light that it is necessary to support and promote the use of these technologies with a curricular and educational purpose by institutions and universities.Item The Learning Improvement of Engineering Students using Peer-Created Complementary Resources(Tempus Publication, 2017-03-31) Sein-Echaluce Lacleta, M. L.; Fidalgo-Blanco, Á.; Esteban-Escaño, J.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.In any organization, the individual is considered an issuer of knowledge who can improve corporate knowledge, and learning is considered to be a key factor in promoting the creation of knowledge. As the knowledge of the individual increases, the organization's knowledge also increases. The same happens in educational institutions, but there is a tendency in most educational methodologies to consider the student as a mere recipient of knowledge. This paper presents a model where the student is shown as a knowledge issuer both for their own benefit and for their peers. The key idea is the transfer of knowledge produced by students to organizational knowledge through the knowledge management system the Collaborative Academic Resources Finder (BRACO, for its acronym in Spanish). At the same time, certain quantitative measurement instruments provide insight into student perception of the use of this knowledge in a particular subject in their engineering degree studies as well as the measure of BRACO impact on their learning outcomes. The results of this work show that an experimental group obtained higher scores in tests than a control group. Results also show that BRACO had a significant impact on learning, and students promoted, organized and used the resources generated by fellow students.Item Electronic devices and web 2.0 tools: usage trends in engineering students(Tempus Publication, 2017-03-31) Humanante Ramos, P. R.; García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Conde-González, M. Á.Personal Learning Environments or PLE are student centred spaces, which take into account theirs needs, learning styles and preferences. These spaces appear as important alternatives to overcome the shortcomings encountered with the use of institutional platforms. On the other hand, there is widespread use of mobile electronic devices and Web 2.0 tools among university students, mainly for communication and leisure activities, but that could be used for educational purposes. This research aims to make a diagnosis on access to and use of electronic devices and the web tools by students of the degree of Systems Engineering and Computer Science at Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Chimborazo in Ecuador, from the viewpoint of PLE. A methodological level corresponds to a quantitative and non-experimental research, ex-post-facto. The results show certain trends in the types of devices and their frequency of use, as well as their preferences for the tools to obtain and to find information, not only to create but to edit content and communicate with others, where they prioritize the use of certain social networks and some tools of synchronous and asynchronous communication. One of the main conclusions of this study mentions the huge potential currently offered by Web 2.0 tools to structure the PLE of college students, as well as the great potential for integration with mobile device.Item Relationship of knowledge to learn in programming methodology and evaluation of computational thinking(2016-11) Rojas López, A.; García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.Item Technologically Reluctant Teachers. A TAM Based Study On Compatibility And Resistance To Change Among Pre-Service Teachers(2016-09) Sánchez Prieto, J. C.; Olmos-Migueláñez, Susana; García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.Item De la Innovación a la Investigación en docencia universitaria (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL) – Versión Póster(2016-06-21) Rodríguez-Conde, M. J.; Herrera-García, E.; González-Rogado, A. B.; Nieto-Isidro, S.; García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Hernández-Ramos, J. P.En esta comunicación planteamos la investigación sistemática del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje dentro de las disciplinas universitarias, en paralelo con los procesos de innovación docente. Caracterizaremos este tipo de investigación en el rigor, la sistematicidad y encontrarse basado en evidencias de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Recogeremos resultados de la experiencia acumulada de grupos de investigación dentro de un instituto de investigación, el IUCE de la Universidad de SalamancaItem PLEs en contextos móviles: Nuevas formas para personalizar el aprendizaje(2016-03) Humanante Ramos, Patricio Ricardo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Conde-González, M. Á.Item Evaluación de conocimientos de Programación I(2016-06) Humanante Ramos, Patricio Ricardo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Conde-González, M. Á.Item Encuesta sobre las características académicas y tecnológicas de los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación de la UNACH(2016-06) Humanante Ramos, Patricio Ricardo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Conde-González, M. Á.