E-EVALINTO Project Community home page

Evaluation environment for fostering intercultural mentoring tools and practices at school https://evalinto.eu

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Collections in this community

E-EVALINTO Assessment tool contents

This collection includes user manuals and tutorials to use the assessment tool "E-EVALINTO EvalCOMIX".

E-EVALINTO Collections of evaluation instruments

This collection includes the word templates of the evaluation instruments linked to the peer mentoring activities implemented inside the E-EVALINTO Virtual Campus on E-EVALINTO EvalCOMIX assessment tool for their use off-line.

E-EVALINTO Collections of sample activities on peer mentoring

This collection includes the word templates of the peer mentoring activities implemented inside the E-EVALINTO Virtual Campus for their use off-line.

E-EVALINTO Dissemination

Dissemination materials and evidences from project piloting and events.

E-EVALINTO New activities templates

Collection of templates for the creation of new contents and the implementation of peer mentoring actions at school.

E-EVALINTO Survey "School Intercultural Profile"

This collection includes materials for the evaluation of the school context with regard to the management of intercultural issues.

E-EVALINTO Teacher training contents

This learning package provides teachers and school staff with digital contents to implement peer mentoring actions at school with migrant or disadvantaged students at risk of early school leaving.