HCII 2017

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Emerging interactive systems for education session at the HCI International 2017 Conference, held in Vancouver, Canada, 9 - 14 July 2017 Organized by GRIAL Research Group of the University of Salamanca and GRETEL Research Group of the La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull


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    Adaptive and cooperative model of knowledge management in MOOCs
    (Springer, 2017-07-13) Sein-Echaluce, M. L.; Fidalgo-Blanco, Á.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.
    One of the characteristics of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) is the heterogeneity of their participants’ profiles and, for the most traditional MOOC model, this is an important cause of the low completion rate. The MOOC model presents two apparent antagonistic concepts, globalization and diversity. MOOCs represent globalization (participants have to be adapted to the course) and their participants represent diversity. The authors of this paper argue that both concepts complement each other; that is, a MOOC can adapt the contents and navigation to the diversity of participants; and in turn the participants themselves can increase and improve the contents of the MOOC, through heterogeneous cooperation, to encourage massive learning. To proof it, this paper presents a new model, called ahMOOC, combining the hybrid-MOOC (hMOOC) and the adaptive MOOC (aMOOC). The hMOOC allows integrating characteristics of xMOOCs (based on formal e-training) with cMOOCs (based on informal and cooperative e-training). The aMOOC offers different learning strategies adapted to different learning objectives, profiles, learning styles, etc. of participants. The ahMOOCs continues having a lower dropout rate (such as hMOOC) than the traditional MOOCs. The qualitative analysis show the capacity of participants, with heterogeneous profiles, to create, in a cooperative and massive way, useful knowledge to improve the course and, later, to apply it in their specific work context. The study also shows that participants have a good perception on the capabilities of the ahMOOC to adapt the learning process to their profiles and preferences.
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    Presentation of the paper “Adaptive and cooperative model of knowledge management in MOOCs” in HCII 2017
    (2017-07-20) Sein-Echaluce, M. L.; Fidalgo-Blanco, Á.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.
    This is the presentation of the paper entitled “Adaptive and cooperative model of knowledge management in MOOCs” in the Emerging interactive systems for education session at the HCI International 2017 Conference, held in Vancouver, Canada, 9 - 14 July 2017. One of the characteristics of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) is the heterogeneity of their participants’ profiles and, for the most traditional MOOC model, this is an important cause of the low completion rate. The MOOC model presents two apparent antagonistic concepts, globalization and diversity. MOOCs represent globalization (participants have to be adapted to the course) and their participants represent diversity. The authors of this paper argue that both concepts complement each other; that is, a MOOC can adapt the contents and navigation to the diversity of participants; and in turn the participants themselves can increase and improve the contents of the MOOC, through heterogeneous cooperation, to encourage massive learning. To proof it, this paper presents a new model, called ahMOOC, combining the hybrid-MOOC (hMOOC) and the adaptive MOOC (aMOOC). The hMOOC allows integrating characteristics of xMOOCs (based on formal e-training) with cMOOCs (based on informal and cooperative e-training). The aMOOC offers different learning strategies adapted to different learning objectives, profiles, learning styles, etc. of participants. The ahMOOCs continues having a lower dropout rate (such as hMOOC) than the traditional MOOCs. The qualitative analysis show the capacity of participants, with heterogeneous profiles, to create, in a cooperative and massive way, useful knowledge to improve the course and, later, to apply it in their specific work context. The study also shows that participants have a good perception on the capabilities of the ahMOOC to adapt the learning process to their profiles and preferences.
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    A metamodel proposal for developing learning ecosystems
    (Springer, 2017-07-13) García-Holgado, A.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.
    The definition and development of learning ecosystems is a complex process with a wide range of requirements. Although two different institutions or companies share the same problems and goals regarding their learning and training processes, the learning ecosystems to support them are different. The components of the ecosystem, including the human factor as a key element, and the relationships between them, change over time. In other words, learning ecosystems evolve as natural ecosystems; there are many factors, both internal and external, that influence an entity. The authors have defined and developed different learning ecosystems. Moreover, they have transferred the same learning ecosystem, specifically a learning ecosystem for knowledge management in a PhD Program, to different domains. These experiences have provided the required information to define the ecosystems metamodel following the Model Driven Architecture proposed by the Object Management Group. The aim of this metamodel is define a Domain Specification Language to develop learning ecosystems.
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    ECoLab: A cooperative system to improve training processes
    (Springer, 2017-07-13) Fidalgo-Blanco, Á.; Sein-Echaluce, M. L:; García-Peñalvo, F. J.
    The goal of the qualitative research is to achieve information regarding the attitudes and opinions of a group of individuals with similar habits, needs and interests. The selection of the participants is a key element in the qualitative research. This paper presents a new model, ECoLab (Experiencial Cooperative Laboratory), of qualitative research that integrates the following methods: Focus Group, Delphi, After Action Review, LivingLab and MediaLab. This new model is designed to improve educational processes and works with the information from the tacit knowledge of the persons, specifically with their experience. For this reason, any person who participates must have participated (or be participating) in the process on which it is desired to investigate and improve. Thus, the group of people participating in ECoLab should be heterogeneous in terms of their role, experience and commitment to the subject matter of the study. ECoLab consists of different groups of people working cooperatively. The criterion of configuration of each group is based on the homogeneity of the role that they play or have played in the action to investigate. Therefore, the heterogeneity of the participants is integrated with the homogeneity in their grouping. This paper presents the ECoLab model (with two variants, iterative ECoLab and ECoLab lego) and a case study where the most urgent improvements of the Spanish University Education System are investigated in a qualitative way.
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    Presentation of the paper “ECoLab: A cooperative system to improve training processes” in HCII 2017
    (Grupo GRIAL, 2017-07-17) Fidalgo-Blanco, Á.; Sein-Echaluce, M. L.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.
    This is the presentation of the paper entitled “ECoLab: A cooperative system to improve training processes” in the Emerging interactive systems for education session at the HCI International 2017 Conference, held in Vancouver, Canada, 9 - 14 July 2017. The goal of the qualitative research is to achieve information regarding the attitudes and opinions of a group of individuals with similar habits, needs and interests. The selection of the participants is a key element in the qualitative research. This paper presents a new model, ECoLab (Experiencial Cooperative Laboratory), of qualitative research that integrates the following methods: Focus Group, Delphi, After Action Review, LivingLab and MediaLab. This new model is designed to improve educational processes and works with the information from the tacit knowledge of the persons, specifically with their experience. For this reason, any person who participates must have participated (or be participating) in the process on which it is desired to investigate and improve. Thus, the group of people participating in ECoLab should be heterogeneous in terms of their role, experience and commitment to the subject matter of the study. ECoLab consists of different groups of people working cooperatively. The criterion of configuration of each group is based on the homogeneity of the role that they play or have played in the action to investigate. Therefore, the heterogeneity of the participants is integrated with the homogeneity in their grouping. This paper presents the ECoLab model (with two variants, iterative ECoLab and ECoLab lego) and a case study where the most urgent improvements of the Spanish University Education System are investigated in a qualitative way.
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    Interaction design principles in WYRED platform
    (Springer, 2017-07-13) García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Durán-Escudero, J.
    This paper presents the requirements elicitation phase for the WYRED platform. WYRED (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society) is a European H2020 Project that aims to provide a framework for research in which children and young people can express and explore their perspectives and interests in relation to digital society, but also a platform from which they can communicate their perspectives to other stakeholders effectively through innovative engagement processes. The requirement elicitation is a basic step to design the interactive mechanism to build up the needed social dialog among the involved stakeholders. In order to set up the right interactive tasks, not only functional requirements are elicited, the non-functional requirements play a key role in this project, specially regarding to ensure the security and privacy of the underage people that will be presented in the development of this project.