A metamodel proposal for developing learning ecosystems
García-Holgado, A.
García-Peñalvo, F. J.
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The definition and development of learning ecosystems is a complex process with a wide range of requirements. Although two different institutions or companies share the same problems and goals regarding their learning and training processes, the learning ecosystems to support them are different. The components of the ecosystem, including the human factor as a key element, and the relationships between them, change over time. In other words, learning ecosystems evolve as natural ecosystems; there are many factors, both internal and external, that influence an entity. The authors have defined and developed different learning ecosystems. Moreover, they have transferred the same learning ecosystem, specifically a learning ecosystem for knowledge management in a PhD Program, to different domains. These experiences have provided the required information to define the ecosystems metamodel following the Model Driven Architecture proposed by the Object Management Group. The aim of this metamodel is define a Domain Specification Language to develop learning ecosystems.
learning ecosystems, metamodel, MOF, Model-Driven Architecture, information systems
García-Holgado, A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2017). A metamodel proposal for developing learning ecosystems. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Technology in Education. 4th International onference, LCT 2017. Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9–14, 2017. Proceedings, Part I (pp. 100-109). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-58509-3_10