WYRED project
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Item Presenting the WYRED project at TEEM 2016 Conference(2016-11-02) García-Peñalvo, F. J.; Kearney, N. A.WYRED (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society) is a H2020 project that aims to provide a framework for research in which children and young people can express and explore their perspectives and interests in relation to digital society, but also a platform from which they can communicate their perspectives to other stakeholders effectively through innovative engagement processes. The starting of the project and its kick-off meeting was at the beginning of November 2016, concurring with the TEEM 2016 Conference held in Salamanca. Thus, Dr. Nicholas Alfred Kearney gave a keynote conference in TEEM 2016 presenting the WYRED project.Item WP3 WYRED Platform Development(2016-11-03) García-Peñalvo, F. J.This presentation was made in the WYRED project kick-off meeting in Salamanca (Spain) at November 3rd, 2016. It is devoted to present the architecture proposal for WYRED platform.Item WYRED WP8 D.8.1. Valorisation Plan 1st year v1.2. Annexes(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-01-17) WYRED ConsortiumH2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016 Grant Agreement number: 727066 1st November 2016 – 31th October 2019 Valorisation Plan Deliverable number WP.8 - D8.1 AnnexesItem Requirements Document (WP3_D3.1)(2017-02-17) WYRED ConsortiumThe requirements document is created in the first steps of the project for getting a wide vision about what kind of data, users and functionalities are going to be presented in WYRED the project. This document also represents a guide for the developing process, because it informs about the priority of the tasks, the dependencies among the tasks and the information they require, including the background, objectives, and targets too.Item WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. Spanish Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-12) WYRED ConsortiumWYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire Spanish VersionItem WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. English Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-12) WYRED ConsortiumWYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire English VersionItem Manifesto Children and Young People. English Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-12) WYRED ConsortiumA central aim of the WYRED project is to give children and young people a voice, particularly in relation to research into issues that concern them, and how its results are discussed and presented. A manifesto written by the consortium exists to declare our intentions. We hope that the children and young people participating in WYRED will contribute to their own manifesto. With the help of a group of young people in Belgium, we have created a “seed” manifesto, with some bullet points to start, but we cannot do more, since this manifesto should represent the voices of children and young people. This will be placed on a wiki page on the WYRED platform. All the children and young people participating can add ideas or comment.Item WYRED Consortium Manifesto. English Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-12) WYRED ConsortiumA central aim of the WYRED project is to give children and young people a voice, particularly in relation to research into issues that concern them, and how its results are discussed and presented. A manifesto written by the consortium exists to declare our intentions.Item WYRED Slogan Competition Call For Participation. English Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-13) WYRED ConsortiumA central aim of the WYRED project is to give children and young people a voice, particularly in relation to research into issues that concern them, and how its results are discussed and presented. Related to the proposed activities, it is mandatory building the WYRED network by reaching out to potential participants and engaging them through a set of preliminary activities. One of these activities is to have a slogan. To do that, a slogan competition has been set up to engage young people with the project. This deliverable means the call for participation that the WYRED consortium has developed and published in the website. This is the deliverable D4.2.2Item WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. German Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-13) WYRED ConsortiumWYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire German VersionItem WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. Turkish Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-14) WYRED ConsortiumGençler toplumumuzda önemli/anahtar bir role sahiptirler. Sıklıkla yeni davranışların ve anlayışların sürücüleridir ve gelecekteki toplumun bir parçası olduklarından görüşleri ve algıları dikkate alınmalıdır. Bununla birlikte, iyi temsil edilmemişlerdir ve sesleri duyulmamıştır. Bu sebepler, araştırma ve politika üretim sürecinde gençlerin ihtiyaçlarını belirlemesini ve anlamasını zorlaştırmaktadır. WYRED projesi (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society), çocukların ve gençlerin önemli gördükleri kilit konuları açıklayabilecekleri ve keşfedebilecekleri diyalog ve araştırma süreci için bir çerçeve oluşturacaktır. Amaç, gençlere ses vermek ve kendi bakış açılarını diğerlerine anlatabilecekleri bir platform sağlamaktır. Diğerleri diye tanımlanan grup içerisinde; öğretmenler, ebeveynler, diğer gençler ve özellikle dijital toplumla ilişkili çocuklar ve gençlerin ihtiyaçları ile ilgili politikaları bilgilendirecek karar vericiler yer almaktadır. WYRED'in temel amacı, projenin başlangıcından itibaren geniş bir yelpazede paydaşların perspektiflerini dikkate almaktır. Bu nedenle sizden bu kısa (beş dakikalık) ankette, bugünün çocukları ve gençleri için neyin önemli olduğuyla ilgili görüşlerinizi bizimle paylaşmanızı rica ediyoruz.Item WYRED Slogan Competition Call For Participation. Spanish Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-14) WYRED ConsortiumUn objetivo central del proyecto WYRED es dar a los niños y a los jóvenes voz, particularmente en los temas que más les afectan a ellos. En relación a las actividades propuestas, se hace fundamental que se construya la red de contactos de WYRED para involucrar a los participantes potenciales a través de una serie de acciones preliminares. Una de estas acciones es tener un eslogan. Para ello, se va a organizar una competición para que los jóvenes conozcan y se involucren en el proyecto. Este entregable representa la llamada a participación que se ha realizado en el consorcio WYRED y publicado en el sitio web del proyecto.Item WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. Italian Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-14) WYRED ConsortiumI giovani hanno un ruolo chiave da giocare nella nostra società, in quanto sono frequentemente portatori di nuovi comportamenti, modi d’essere e di intendere il mondo, e dal momento che rappresentano la società del futuro i loro punti di vista e le loro percezioni dovrebbero essere prese in considerazione. Tuttavia, non sono ben rappresentati e le loro voci non sono sentite con la conseguenza che per il mondo della ricerca e della politica risulta difficile identificare e comprendere le loro esigenze. Il progetto WYRED (García-Peñalvo, 2016; García-Peñalvo & Kearney, 2016) creerà la cornice per il dialogo e la ricerca all’interno della quale i giovani e i giovanissimi possono esprimere ed esplorare le questioni chiave che loro reputano importanti. L’obiettivo è di dare ai giovani la voce e fornire una piattaforma (García-Peñalvo & Durán-Escudero, 2017) dalla quale possono comunicare le loro prospettive agli altri. La categoria “altri” include: insegnanti, genitori e familiari, altri giovani e specialmente I decisori politici che sviluppano legislazione, particolarmente per quello che concerne i bisogni dei minori e dei giovani in relazione alla società digitale. Uno degli obiettivi centrali di WYRED è di prendere in considerazione la prospettiva di un’ampia varietà di stakeholders dall’inizio del progetto. Per questa ragione siamo a chiedervi di condividere con noi questo breve questionario (cinque minuti) offrendoci i vostri spunti su quello che reputate importante per i minori e i giovani oggi.Item WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. Hebrew Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-15) WYRED ConsortiumWYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire Hebrew VersionItem WYRED – Children and Young People’s Manifesto. Public web version(2017-03-22) WYRED ConsortiumWYRED – Children and Young People’s Manifesto. Web VersionItem Slogan Competition Spanish Version. Public Web Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-22) WYRED ConsortiumSlogan Competition. Spanish Version for publishing in the webItem Slogan Competition English Version. Public Web Version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-22) WYRED ConsortiumSlogan Competition Text. English Version for publishing in the webItem WYRED Consortium Manifesto. Public web version(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-22) WYRED ConsortiumWeb VersionItem Valorisation Plan. WP.8 – D.8.1. Version 1.2(Grupo GRIAL, 2017-03-28) WYRED ConsortiumWYRED Consortium H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016 Grant Agreement number: 727066 1st November 2016 – 31th October 2019 Valorisation Plan Deliverable number WP.8 - D8.1 Version 1.2Item