Building the future of Latin America: Engaging women into STEM

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Building the future of Latin America: engaging women into STEM Funding: European Union. ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education Call for proposals EAC/A05/2017 Project type: European Coordinator: University of Salamanca Project leader: Francisco J. García Peñalvo Partners: Universidad del Norte Oulu University Politecnico di Torino Technological University Dublin Nothern Regional College Tecnológico de Monterrey Universidad de Guadalajara Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica Universidad de Costa Rica Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja Universidad Técnica del Norte Reference: 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Time: 15/01/2019 to 14/01/2022 Budget: 862.268€ Abstract: The participation of Women in STEM in the Latin-America region is a very complex problem in which necessarily call for actions from different actors, such as governments, private sector, families, as well the different levels of education (since childhood to higher education). In order to make concrete contribution, Higher Education Institutions need to focus on those needs and situations in which it has certain influence for making real progress, such as: Significant minority of Women choose and access to STEM programs at tertiary level. The lowest rates appears in science and engineering programs. Data is scarce, showing a need for analytical and systematic methods, which reflect actual participation of women in STEM at HEIs. Tertiary studies with a high math component such as STEM seem to be excluded from the studies options by girls in secondary schools. Lack of bridges between public policy and institutional actions led by HEIs. In this way, and aligned to the Erasmus + Capacity Building priority for improving management and operation of higher education, in terms of access to and democratization of Higher Education, the W‐STEM Project aims at Improving strategies and mechanisms of attraction, access and guidance of Women in Latin-American STEM Higher Education programs. For achieving this main objective, W-STEM project, will Measure the gender equality in enrolment and retention rates in STEM programs. Implement Universities’ policies, strategies and organizational mechanisms for improving attraction, access and guidance at undergraduate levels in STEM programs. Promote STEM studies vocation and choice in girls and young women in secondary schools as well as guidance in the first year of the STEM program. Develop an online training package for Higher Education Institutions to implement effective strategies to enhance attraction, access and guidance of Women in STEM programs.


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    Analysis of the strategies applied at Universidad del Norte to engage women into STEM
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2022-07-16) Camacho Díaz, A.; García Ramos, L.; PeñaBaena Niebles, R.; Díaz Vitola, L.
    n the last decade, the development of the STEM careers has carried the problematic of the gender gap. With the purpose of creating better strategies and mechanisms for the attraction, access, and orientation of women into the STEM field in Latin America, the W-STEM Project implemented attraction campaigns and dissemination activities where each partner designed strategies. However, those strategies must be analysed to measure their effectiveness and adapted to the new conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this poster, Uninorte presents the strategies implemented in the institution, analysing the three main axes of the action plan, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, aiming to create a better approach. In today’s world, there still is a gender gap in STEM occupations, fuelled by gender stereotypes and extra challenges faced when women enter a male-dominated workspace. According to the World Economic Forum, female students and employees are under-represented in STEM related fields, with less than a third of female students choosing to study higher educations’ courses in subjects like math and engineering. In fact, only around 30% of the world’s researches are women and those working in the STEM field publish less and often receive less pay. This is a worldwide problematic but can be affected by other aspects like the development of the country in matter. In Latin America and the Caribbean, only 5 of the 33 countries analysed have human development index considered as ‘high’, according to UNESCO. Which leads us to pay special attention to the mater in those countries.
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    Campañas de atracción 2020-2021-2022 en la Universidad del Norte
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2022-07-16) Camacho Díaz, A.; García Ramos, L.; PeñaBaena Niebles, R.; García Barreneche, S.
    Los estereotipos de género son un factor condicionante para la selección de un programa académico profesional. Esto se evidencia desde las etapas más tempranas de la vida escolar, donde ya sea por razones sociales o culturales, a las chicas se les intenta apartar de entornos que promuevan su participación en carreras STEM. Lo anterior se ve reflejado en la baja proporción de estudiantes femeninas que tienen este tipo de programas en las instituciones de educación superior, lo que indica que es necesario un reajuste en los niveles de básica y media donde se incluyan sesiones que trabajen temas de empoderamiento e igualdad de género. Por estos motivos, y con la finalidad de que las chicas de las escuelas secundarias puedan tomar una decisión profesional de manera consciente, informada y sin estereotipos, el proyecto W-STEM se ha enfocado en diseñar actividades que animen y potencien su exploración científica y tecnológica.
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    MentorADA: Estructura, Estrategias y Resultados
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2022-07-15) Camacho Díaz, A.; García Ramos, L.; PeñaBaena Niebles, R.; García Barreneche, S.
    En la Universidad del Norte se estableció el propósito de formar una red de apoyo, guía y asesoría para las estudiantes de primeros semestres, además de brindarles acompañamiento en su proceso de adaptación a la universidad para que logren sentirse representadas y cómodas con su elección.
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    Programa MentorADA
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2022-04-20) Camacho Díaz, A.; García Ramos, L.; PeñaBaena Niebles, R.; García Barreneche, S.
    n el contexto del proyecto W-STEM ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education European Project (Ref. 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) se ha celebrado la Conferencia Internacional W-STEM Chile los días 19 y 20 de abril de 2022 de forma presencial en Valparaíso (Chile), auspiciada por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso y por la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, tras más de dos años trabajando virtualmente por la pandemia mundial de COVID-19. Presentación del programa de mentorías de la Universidad del Norte.
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    Attraction Campaigns
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2020-05-07) Camacho Díaz, A.; Peñabaena, R.; García-Ramos, L.; Pineda Padilla, A.; García-Holgado, A.
    The W-STEM ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education European Project (Ref. 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) had scheduled two technical meetings at the beginning of May 2020, the first one on May 4th-5th in Torino (Italy) and the second one on May 7th-8th in Dublin (Ireland). Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, these meetings were held online, but organized by the corresponding local partners, in the scheduled dates and maintaining the meeting goals. Specifically, the Dublin meeting was centred on the attraction campaigns and the women interviews. This presentation was devoted to the attraction campaigns.
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    Internal processes mapping
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2019-11-27) Camacho Díaz, A.; García Ramos, L. E.; Peñabaena, R.; Pineda Padilla, A. P.
    Session about the internal processes mapping for the W-STEM ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education European Project (Ref. 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). This session was led by Universidad del Norte in the second face-to-face meeting of the project that was held in Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla (Colombia), 27-29 November 2019.
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    W STEM Student Group
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2019-11-27) Camacho Díaz, A.; García Ramos, L. E.; Peñabaena, R.; Pineda Padilla, A. P.
    Best practice W-STEM Student Group presented into the First Benchmarking Round session within the 2nd face-to-face meeting of the W-STEM ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education European Project (Ref. 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), which was held in Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla (Colombia), 27-29 November 2019.
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    W-STEM Project overview at the International Leadership Summit
    (W-STEM Consortium, 2019-11-25) Camacho Díaz, A.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.
    A general overview of the current status of the W-STEM project (funded by European Union. ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education Call for proposals EAC/A05/2017 - Ref. 598923-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) is presented in the W-STEM International Leadership Summit, 25-26 November 2019 - Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
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    Engaging women into STEM in Latin America: W-STEM project
    (ACM, 2019-10-16) García-Holgado, A.; Camacho Díaz, A.; García-Peñalvo, F. J.
    Significant progress has been made during the last decades to achieve gender equality, but there is still much work to do. In particular, the gender gap is pronounced in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields at all levels of education and labour market. In those areas, the women participation remains low, although there are differences from country to country. In the Latin American context, there is a need for carrying out studies to collect quality data about the actual situation of women in STEM. Although some available data show a high proportion of women in Latin American university education, they are a minority in STEM programs. Moreover, this problem is particularly severe in Latin America because of the biases or cultural norms that influence female behaviour. In this context, the W-STEM project seeks to improve strategies and mechanisms for attracting, accessing, and guiding women in Latin America in STEM higher education programs. This work aims to describe the main results to prepare a set of attraction campaigns in secondary schools in the Latin American countries involved in the project (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico). In particular, a self-assessment tool about gender equality in higher education institutions in Latin America, an interview protocol for female role models, and a mobile application to show those role models.